Thursday, October 04, 2007

Three Warning Signs of Poverty Mentality

Three Warning Signs of Poverty Mentality
by Randy Gage

When was the last time you gave any serious thought
to your priorities, and where you expend your energy?

Can you say with certainty that you are completely
focused on ‘abundance’ and not on ‘lack’?

I don’t think people are born with an
abundance mentality or a lack mentality.

I think for many of us our priorities are the
result of subtle, subconscious ‘programming’
that determines our approach to just about
everything in life.

Instead of being programmed for success,
most people are programmed to avoid

This programming controls how you react to hundreds
of situations, each and every day. And the way you
react reveals what your programming really is.

There are many different warning signs all around
us that we are suffering from lack programming or
a poverty mentality, but none of these red flags
will be of any use until we open our eyes and
start looking for them.

Like posted traffic signs and speed limits,
these warning signs are there for our benefit,
helping us raise awareness of our programming.

Three of the most common warning signs
I see are the following:

Warning sign #1: Constant Money Fixation

What do you think about money?

When you do think about it, are you concerned
about how much of it you lack,
or how much you can manifest?

Have you ever thought about why you want
to manifest money in the first place?

Most poor people spend all their time thinking about
money (or more specifically, their lack of it).

When I was younger and broke, that’s what I did.

I was fixated on money.

I thought about all the things I didn’t have and couldn’t get.

And I was very jealous of the people who had them.

Warning sign #2: "I Hate Rich People!"

Being jealous of all the things other people
had that I didn’t have, didn't help matters.

Know where it led?

Jealousy soon turned to hate.

Soon I hated all rich people because they had what I wanted
-- nice homes, exotic cars, expensive clothes.

That’s when the real problems started,
because as much as I hated rich people,
I was working hard every day trying to
become one!

That set the stage for a whole bunch of internal conflict
that I had no idea was going on.

I ended up surging forward to success,
only to sabotage myself every time I
got close.

I snatched defeat from the jaws of
victory more times than I can count.

I thought I was programmed for success,
but was actually programmed for poverty.

Warning sign #3:
Fear-Based Decision-Making Making

Decisions based on fear of loss or failure
never leads toward prosperity.

In fact, fear-based decision-making can rob you
of any sense of happiness or joy of success,
and distort your behavior.

Have you ever seen someone experience more anguish
at losing $10 than earning $100?

Ever seen someone drive around a parking lot
for 10 minutes to avoid a one-minute walk to
the store?

These scenarios are fear-based, not prosperity driven.

The decisions are not made on what the possible benefits are,
but made in order to avoid a possible negative outcome.

How do you know what kind of programming you have?

If you really want to know if you have prosperity
programming or a poverty mentality,
look for your answer in the previous scenarios.

Do they sound familiar?

If you make decisions--particularly money and career ones--
based on the "moving away from fear" model,
you’ve got poverty programming.

If your decisions are made based on a
positive "move toward prosperity" model,
then you have success programming.

What do you do if you test poverty programming?

You’re already doing it.

Raise your awareness of your programming
and recognize it for what it is.

Of particular importance is regulating the influences
you’re getting from the TV shows and movies you watch,
the books you read, etc.

I applied the principles of a prosperity mentality,
and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who has
had a greater degree of turnaround.

This only happened because I was willing to confront
my weaknesses, discover and eliminate the insidious
poverty mentality I had, and replace it with positive

To this day, I am ever vigilant, mindful of
what I allow myself to watch and listen to,
and the people I associate with.

The more you experience success and prosperity,
the more you’ll start to realize how little
they have to do with opportunity, chance, luck -
or even training, education, or skill.

It has everything to do with consciousness,
beliefs, and even subconscious programming
that you aren’t aware of.

You see, poverty is not an absence of money and things
-- it is a mindset.

Prosperity is not an abundance of money and things
--it’s also a mindset.

When I began studying the laws that govern prosperity,
I had to get out of my comfort zone, face fears,
and really examine my belief system.

It was hard work, and sometimes still is,
but the results are well worth the
temporary discomfort.

I share all of this with you in the hope you
too will benefit from its truth.

I want you to be healthy, happy, and rich!


P.S. Start expecting and accepting your own prosperity today!
There are many great prosperity & success resources available to
help you get started on the right path. Take a moment right now
to check them out and see how they can help you transform your

Brought to you by:

Mike Stokes
Baton Rouge, LA
The Cash Flow Strategy

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