Sunday, November 13, 2005

HOW to Create $1.2 MILLION in Investments

The Mechanics of Wealth
Lifestyle Education Strategies

Published By:

Mike Stokes
The Home Business Network


HOW to Create $1.2 MILLION in Investments...

Did you know that...

If you had a $80,000 30-year mortgage,

a $10,000 car loan,

and $3,800 in credit card debt,

you could be completely DEBT-FREE

(including the mortgage)

in eight years, five months

by using the extra $300 you can make each month from
your homebased business to pay off these debts?

And, in doing so, you would SAVE
more than $100,000.00 in interest!

You could then create more than $1.2 MILLION in investments,
EARNING you $10,000.00 each MONTH in interest,
in the SAME time it would have taken you to
pay off your mortgage in the traditional way?

-Upline Magazine


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Mike Stokes
The Home Business Network


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"The difference between those who do it
and those who don't...
Is that those who do it, do it,
and those who don't, don't."


Recommended Reading -

7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness
By - Jim Rohn


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