Whatever you wish to accomplish...Dr Wayne Dyer
is an existing fact that's
already present in Spirit.
Whatever you wish to accomplish...Dr Wayne Dyer
is an existing fact that's
already present in Spirit.
There are some people who live 70 years,...Dr Wayne Dyer
and there are some people who live one year 70 times,
repeating what they're doing over and over
in the name of the gold watch or whatever.
All of us are on our own paths,...Dr Wayne Dyer
doing exactly what we know
how to do at the moment,
given the conditions of our lives.
The deeds you do today may be the... St. Francis of Assisi 1182-1226
only sermon some people hear today.
Knowledge is power....Stuart Wilde
The more knowledge, expertise, and connections
you have, the easier it is for you to make a
profit at the game of your choice.
Problems can become opportunities...Robert Redford
when the right people come together.
It is better to see the good points of others...Francoise Sagan
than to analyze our own bad ones.