We cannot be overcomers without
troubles to overcome.
The Bible: Exodus
Always do right.
This will gratify some people,
and astonish the rest.
If you have a big problem in your life,
all that means is that you’re being a small person.
Gossiping about others creates
a negative prosperity debt.
This is an offshoot of the
vacuum law of prosperity.
When you gossip about others,
you are a voyeur to their discomfort,
and incur a karma debt for this.
You can complain because roses have thorns,.....Ziggy
or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.
Knowing what you don’t want is
the springboard to your miracles.
Knowing what you don’t want
is simply your current reality.
And current reality can change.
Without opposition or resistance,
there is no potential for progress.
Without the resistance of air,
an eagle can’t soar.
Without the resistance of water,
a ship can’t float.
Without the resistance of gravity,
you and I can’t even walk.
It’s not what you are that holds you back,
it’s what you think you are not.
Everyone knows what they want.
They are simply afraid to admit it.
Once they admit it, they have to own up
to the fact that they don’t have it.
They have to begin to take action to get
what they want, or they have to make
excuses for not trying.
Both may be uncomfortable.
To stay safe, people lie.